Some typical Chinese snacks that I bought at 奇趣餅家
Kei Tsui Cake Shop in Fa Yuen Street, Mongkok:
Peanut Fried Rice Cake 花生炒米餅, Banana Roll 香蕉糕 , Wife Cake 老婆餅, Soft Cake with Red Bean 豆沙燒餅 , Coconut Moon Cake 椰蓉公仔餅 and Crispy Puff Pastry Cake 光酥餅.
Kei Tsui Cake Shop in Fa Yuen Street, Mongkok:
Peanut Fried Rice Cake 花生炒米餅, Banana Roll 香蕉糕 , Wife Cake 老婆餅, Soft Cake with Red Bean 豆沙燒餅 , Coconut Moon Cake 椰蓉公仔餅 and Crispy Puff Pastry Cake 光酥餅.