Saturday, November 15, 2008

Lan Fong Yuen, Central

For a nice cup of "Pantyhose milk tea", delicious "French Toast" and HK-style "Pork chop bun", Lan Fong Yuen cha chaan teng is highly recommended.

The pantyhose milk tea was quite good, it had a smooth & ultra-fine texture.

On the other hand, the pork chop bun was not as good as expected. The bun was soft but I still prefer the kind of bun that has a crispy crust. As for the pork, flavor was ok but the meat was a bit tender. The pork chop bun I had in Macau is still my favorite!

Peanut butter toast with condensed milk: deli & light (comparing to French toast)


Bowie said...

U went to "Lan Fong Yuen" & "Sing Heung Yuen" in the same day??

Wendy said...

yes we did!